Saturday, May 2, 2009

Province of Bohemia, The European Union

I also had a very interesting interview with David Allen Forbes. He is an author of the book called Castles of the Zombie War: The Continent. He began talking about all of the castles that spread across the world that were used as protection during the zombie pandemic. The high walls kept people safe from the zombies, however there were many internal dangers. For example, if a person has a case of pneumonia, it could spread throughout the castle and wipe out the population of the castle. I would hate to live in closed quarters with illnesses going around. Also, scarcity of food inside the castle led to raiding the food of the near countryside. He alter talks about the castle where he stayed, Windsor. It was a state-of-the-art castle that had everything from its own water well to large storage space for food. They also managed to get oil inside the castle and have amazing security that kept the civilians inside safe. Now this is a castle that i wouldn't mind living at during the zombie pandemic.

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