Sunday, May 3, 2009

The Demilitarized Zone: South Korea

My third and final interview this week was with Hyungchol Choi. He was the deputy director of the Korean Central Intelligence Agency. He claimed North Korea was the most prepared for the infestation because they were surrounded by bodies of water and the Demilitarized Zone, which is the most heavily fortified border in the world. They also had a highly militarized population. He explained that South Korea was the exact opposite of North Korea. They were a open society where trade played a major role. I would have felt much safer living in North Korea during this time. Once Zombie outbreaks occured, North Korea severed all diplomatic realtions. Also South Korea's spies in the North began vanishing. This was a mystery to Choi. He later credits the North for his survival.

1 comment:

Gonzo Ortega said...

I personally think this was quite weird, I never got what happened to the people from North Korea. I think they all died.