Saturday, May 9, 2009

Aboard the Mauro Altieri, Three Thousand Feet Above Vaalajarvi, Finland

Today, I interviewed General D'Ambrosia in the Combat Information Center. The interview with him was short, yet very interesting. He said that he was scared to go to war against the two million zombies. I had no idea that the number of zombies was that large, heck I would be scared too if I was in the General's shoes. The book of war, he stated, was useless, and that there had to be a new one written from scratch just because of the zombies. He later told me the differences between the human army and the zombies. The human army had to be "bred, fed, and led." Whereas the zombies didn't need any of this, making them extremely lethal and dangerous. You could not starve them to death or surround them, the only way to kill them was to destroy its brain. This must have caused great stress and chaos for the army. I am sure glad I was not one of the generals during the zombie pandemic.

1 comment:

Juan Garcia said...

I agree. It would have been tough knowing that you are about to go up against such a big group of enemies.