Sunday, April 26, 2009

Sand Lakes Provincial Wilderness Park, Manitoba, Canada

I also interviewed a women named Jesika Hendricks. Her family decided to move farther north to stay away from the zombies. They decided to do this because zombies freeze solid in cold weather. I would have also chosen to go north in order evade the zombies. The family took all their belongings and set of on their journey. Along the way, they encountered many hitchhikers wanting to go farther north. Once they arrived at the camp, they were having a great time with other campers and were enjoying campfires and feasts together. But supplies grew scarce as the winter grew colder. People started fighting including Jesika's parents. There were also no more camp fires. She told me that eleven million people died that winter in North America. That number is ridiculous! The living dead came in the spring, and the campers teamed up killing them. That must have been one scary, cold winter for the Hendricks family and all the other campers.

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John Lennon said...
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